MaldonadoLicenciadaLedezmaLicenciadaIctzelLicenciadaAndamiosMaldonado, I. (2010). De la multiculturalidad a la interculturalidad: la reforma del estado y los pueblos indigenas en Mexico. Andamios, 7(14), 287-319.
Centro de Investigación y de Estudios Avanzados / Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología, Fondos Mixtos de Fomento a la Investigación Científica y Tecnológica / Universidad Intercultural Maya de Quintana Roo / Consejo de Ciencia, Innovación y Tecnología del Estado de Yucatán, México (2010)...
From two anthropological case studies in religious contexts, both in Chiapas, Mexico, and Totonicapan, Guatemala, it is intended to untangle how inculturation processes entails a temporality and continuous coexistence whithin cultural diversity, but also a process of rupture with ...
(2012), "La comprension de la diversidad en interculturalidad y educacion", en Convergencia: Revista de Ciencias Sociales , num. 59, Mexico: Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Mexico.Ibanez, Nolfa et al. (2012), "La comprension de la diversidad en interculturalidad y educacion", en ...
Qualitative research was carried out under the tradition of ethnography in a case study, in which universities from America, Argentina, Chile, and Mexico participated. To have an approach to the training processes with an intercultural approach, the participation of the diffe...
interculturalidadlanguageuniversitylearningcommunicationculturetotonacothe first secti贸n of this article addresses the emergence of intercultural education in mexico, putting enphasis on the importance of original tongues for this new educational model. the second section deals with the universidad ...
no solo para los pueblos indigenas o hablantes de lengua, sino para todas las instituciones educativas, espacios sociales y niveles educativos ya que las reflexiones teoricas y filosoficas de interculturalidad comprometen a repensar el concepto e incorporar nuevos planteamientos a las practicas de...
This article discusses the conceptualization of the interculturality of the students of the Indigenous Autonomous University of Mexico from the gender perspective, if the perception of interculturality changes because of being a man or a woman. It has as a reference the r...
community; some ideas for teaching these values are suggested. Keywords: intercultural education;early childhood education;social values;children’s upbringing;Latin American culture