Etica en la ciencia y tecnologia: Un enfoque desde la educacion medica superior. Rev Med Electron [revista en Internet]. 2010 [citada:30 de marzo de 2010]; 32(1):[aprox. 6 p] . Disponible en: 18242010000100008&lng=es....
organizada en la capital china por la Embajada de España en China y el Instituto Cervantes de dicha ciudad.Esta exposición es una iniciativa convocada por la Fundación Española para la Ciencia y la Tecnología (FECYT) y...
The present work states that understanding the meaning, popular knowledge print on scientific concepts through song, can be used as a starting point as well as a source of resources for the planning of provoking, thematic and pedagogical activities aimed to produce critical thinking and learning of...
LA EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA EN LAS EXPLOTACIONES DE VACUNO LECHERO EN GALICIA (ESPAÑA)Within a research project on engineering efficiency in dairy cattle farms, has conducted a survey to 158 farms in Galicia (NW Spain), to determine its total annual energy consumption. Energy sources on farms...
Over recent years in Spain, within the society and the medical and pharmaceutical professionals, there has been an intense debate on the urgent problem of reducing health care costs. The continuous increase of the investment in drugs continues to produce the need to adopt measures to control it ...
BONDADES DE LA EFICIENCIA ENERGTICA Y LAS ENERGAS RENOVABLES EN EL SECTOR HABITACIONAL: CASO CD. JUREZ CHIHUAHUA, MXICO. (Spanish).The habituation of the use of new energy is a necessary element in the society, it is for the above, that the following project seeks to do conscience to ...
MEJORA DE LA EFICIENCIA ENERGÉTICA DE UN COMPLEJO DEPORTIVO A TRAVÉS DE LA GESTIÓN DE SUS CONSUMOS ELÉCTRICOS.During recent years, organizations have seen the power has gone from a marginal factor in their cost structure to be an important chapter in the same due to the gradual ...
Considering art as a mediator between the two has proved satisfactory insofar as its free, critical, and plastic nature allows an unbiased communication between science and society; and it also transmits its contents from audiovisual media, which attracts the attention of the public...
It concludes that biomedical research ought to be governed by two fundamental guidelines: commitment to truth and a human sense of science.doi:10.1016/j.piro.2014.05.001elsevierRevista Clínica De Periodoncia Implantología Y Rehabilitación Oral
EL CINE EN EL APRENDIZAJE DE LA MANIPULACIN GENTICA A TRAVS DE CIENCIA FICCIN EN GATTACA (1997)doi:10.14201/rmc.30822Genetic manipulation has been one of the most rapidly developing branches of biotechnology over the last 20 years. With the advent of the CRISPR technique, the...