Mike Sprague
LA Weeklytakes a long-delayed look at Mobility Plan 2035, which promised a transformation of Los Angeles streets when it was passed by the city council in 2015 — but fails to mention that it was promptly shelved and forgotten, in a story with the depth of something written by AI. CD10 ...
A writer forCity Watchcalls out councilmember and mayoral candidate Joe Buscainofor what he calls the “ill-conceived notion” to outlaw sidewalk bike repair. Meanwhile, Buscaino’s turn to the right in the mayor’s race has been outflanked byeven more conservative billionaire Rick Caruso. State...
La Habra Heights City Council votes to disband Parks and Recreation CommissionMike Sprague
LA HABRA HEIGHTS - The Los Angeles County District Attorney'sOffice accused the City Council of...Sprague, Mike
Oil Remains Top Issue in la Habra Heights City Council ElectionLA HABRA HEIGHTS - There are many issues in this year's CityCouncil election - the budget, City...Sprague, Mike
La Habra Heights City Council Votes for Appointment Process to Fill VacancySprague, Mike
La Habra Heights City Council Picks Five to Interview for VacancySprague, Mike
La Habra Heights City Council Denies Appeal, Gives Go-Ahead to City Hall RenovationSprague, Mike
La Habra Heights City Council to Consider Compromise to Settle Oil- Ballot Language IssueSprague, Mike