In many institutions, laboratory and infectious disease teams, in collaboration with the clinical partners, developed sepsis bundles, in which blood cultures and lactic acid testing are the corner stones of the bundle. Most of the time, such bundles are built around the CMS guidelines, as part o...
Treatment: The candida esophagitis and gastroesophageal reflux disease were treated with antimycotic and proton-pump-inhibiting drugs after which the patient had no more complains. Regular gastroscopic controls are planned. Conclusion: Pseudodiverticulosis of the esophagus is a very rare disease which ...
Amifostine is the only drug to have a proven radioprotective efficacy (evidence level C, ESMO recommendation grade III). The medical management of esophagitis associates a diet excluding irritant food, medication against gastroesophageal reflux, analgesic treatment according to the WHO scale and ...
反流性食管炎(Reflux esophagitis,RE),也称为胃食管反流病,是由食管抗反流功能下降、食管清除能力降低以及食管黏膜防御屏障作用减弱等因素引起的食管黏膜破损。此疾病通常伴随食管下括约肌异常和胃食管交界处结构改变,如食管裂孔疝,弱化了抗反流机制,使得胃内容物容易发生反流。此外,糖尿病、硬皮病等病症也常常...