This essay focuses on the function of violence in Hegel's political philosophy. Its purpose is to underline how Hegel considers violence not a marginal but a decisive factor in the discussed interrelationships. Hegel equates the interaction of Active and Passive Substance with violence and stresses ...
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13, Ano 10. Caracas: Universidad Catolica Andres Bello.Rodriguez, J. (2008). "El planteamiento moral y etico en La Filosofia del Derecho de Hegel". [Version electronica]. En: Logoi. Revista de Filo- sofia. (13). Caracas: Universidad Catolica Andres Bello. p. 121-137....
Narváez León, AngeloAufklrung: Revista de Filosofia
bds notified by the sinasc were more visible at birth, while the sim notified more fatal bd, showing the importance of utilizing both data sources.doi:10.1590/S1415-790X2009000100007Messinese, LeonardoAssociação Brasileira de Saúde Coletivarevista brasileira de epidemiologia...
Hegel used to say any discipline is its history, and then, teaching History of Philosophy implies the elaboration of the field of study and, at same time, the way to consider the main features of Philosophy.WashburnJimmyC.Revista de Filosofia de la Universidad de Costa Rica...
Estudios de filosof?-a pr??ctica e historia de las ideasModzelewski, H. (2007). La dialectica del amo y el esclavo como clave interpretativa del teatro emergente en la dictadura uruguaya de los anos 70. Estudios de Filosofia Practica e Historia de las Ideas (9), 105 - 116....
Un Hegel para la actualidadFERNNDEZ, JORGE E.GAUDIO, MARIANOIdeas: Revista de Filosofia Moderna Y Contemporanea
Finally, in the conclusion, we point out some limitations of Butler's hermeneutical proposal.Celeste Abellón, PamelaAufklrung: Revista de Filosofia
HEGEL, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831MODERNITYCONTINUITYCARTESIANISM (Philosophy)IDEALISMDescartes is usually considered as the father of Western rationalism and the thinker who made the cogito and the subjective element the cornerstone of philosophical investigation. This article...