Further results on properties of these specifications, such as on their size and orthogonality, are provided which show that our main results are the best possibledoi:10.1145/227683.227687Gabinete de ComunicaciónJournal of the Association for Computing Machinery...
Whilst New Zealand focuses on the protection of private land and sticks to theories, the European Union's policy revolves more around public land and a green economy. Despite the countries' disparities they do have some common demons to fight. Inadequate data can turn the choice of the most ...
However, its addition should be complemented with N and K inorganic fertilizer to increase pasture yield. MSS and PSW sludge applied at 150 t ha-1 was clearly detrimental for crop yield, espec...
Mediante tamp;eacute;cnicas de metanamp;aacute;lisis, se resumieron los resultados de estudios epidemiolamp;oacute;gicos analamp;iacute;ticos observacionales. Se llevamp;oacute; a cabo una evaluaciamp;oacute;n cramp;iacute;tica de cada uno de los estudios para identificar los potenciales ...
Systemic or locoregional chemotherapy can also be used for high-grade or non-resectable tumors.F. DujardinM. DebledC. GuillemetJ. SimonetH. HamidouC. Cambon-MichotB. DubrayP. VeraProfesorado Revista De Currículum Y Formación De Profesorado...