Renaud DUMONTJean BERNABEbibliogrCARAVOLAS, Jean-Antoine. 1994. La didactique des langues. Precis d'histoire, I (1450-1700). Montreal, Tubingen : Presses de l'Universite, Gunter Narr.
Katz a dirigé un atelier sur les perspectives didactiques du jeu de mots en se basant sur sa grande expérience éducative à l’Université de Princeton. Finalement, Astrid Poier-Bernhard, auteure, membre de l’Oplepo et spécialiste en littérature potentielle, a partagé ses réflexions ...
It emphasizes the development of a practical course we teach to first year students at undergraduate level. Our aim is to argue on the didactics of this subject through the presentation of the methods we use for the course, the analysis of the mistakes made by students in their exam papers...
Begioni L. &Rocchetti A., « La deflexivite du latin aux langues romanes : quels mecanismes systemiques sous-tendent cette evolution ? » in Begioni L. & Bottineau D. (eds), La deflexivite in Langages 178, Paris, Larousse, 2010, pp. 67-87....
It represents a new trend in Romanian language learning that combines technologies from IT and multimodal learning materials and offers students the opportunity to study in a different, challenging, and multicultural environment.Cristina Varga