La Creme de la Creme Open account page Open search Open cart Customized skin care treatments & products Finally understand your skin Book Today Shop Skin Care Go to item 1 Go to item 2 Navigate to next section Finally understand your skin time-based facial treatments We offer various skincare...
–Dr. Michael Gold, MD LIQUID CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY With its unique ultra-rich texture, Crème de la Mer uses Liquid Crystal Technology to protect the Miracle Broth™ within. COMPLETE YOUR REGIMEN FIND YOUR IDEAL MOISTURE TEXTURE Restore REVIEWS...
–Dr. Michael Gold, MD LIQUID CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY With its unique ultra-rich texture, Crème de la Mer uses Liquid Crystal Technology to protect the Miracle Broth™ within. HOW TO USE COMPLETE YOUR REGIMEN FIND YOUR IDEAL MOISTURE TEXTURE ...
根据您的肤质,我们的标志性 Crème de la mer 是一款理想的焕肤的面霜,适合在皮肤更容易接受时进行隔夜修复。同时,这也是一种消除冬季暗沉和治疗干燥的完美方法。 旅行达人 白天 新生 我们的日间保湿霜 The Moisturizing Soft Cream 能保持皮肤柔软且有弹性。当天气干燥或工作日带来不必要的脱水时,它是补充水分的...
“Clinical studies on Miracle Broth in Crème de la Mer and the Moisturizing Soft Cream confirm Miracle Broth's healing moisture, anti-irritation and visible anti-aging activities on skin."–Dr. Michael Gold, MD LIQUID CRYSTAL TECHNOLOGY With its unique ultra-rich texture, Crème de la Mer use...
La creme de la cremeFeatures Count and Countess d'Ornano of Paris' Sisley sunscreen for the body. Components of the product; Utilizations and applications of the cosmetic; Price range.Weintraub, AnneVogue
今天,我们将 Max 的原创工艺引入 La Mer 的每一种成分中。通过发酵技术,我们将各种成分转化为肌肤更容易识别和接受的微量营养素。探索我们的强效海洋酵素精品。 REVITALIZING FERMENT 这种强效酵素源自大量注入的海藻和特殊的喷雾干燥海水,其中含有 73 种海洋矿物质成分,有助于补充和恢复肌肤活力。最初专门用于The Trea...
La Creme De La Creme by表演者:-作词:Robbie Nevil作曲:Robbie Nevil这是一首表达乐观(Upbeat)、自信(Confident)、兴奋(Exciting)、有趣(Fun)等各种情绪的流行(Pop)音乐,主要使用了钢琴/键盘(Piano/Keyboard)、合成器(Synthesizer)演奏,来自X-SERIES厂牌。