La Cour européenne de justice se situe à Luxembourg, devant ___ tout citoyen européen peut déposer une plainte. A.luiB.elleC.lequelD.laquelle 点击查看答案&解析 延伸阅读 你可能感兴趣的试题 1.单项选择题 La vie politique passionne les Français. Elle fait ___ d’innombrables débats...
Sapere Aude: More than ever the injunction of the Age of Enlightenment applies to our globalised world reaching a crossroads. The internationalisation of China has changed the rules of the geopolitical stakes between China, the European Union and the United States. In addition to the positive ...
doi:10.1111/j.1468-5965.2009.02026_6.xNo abstract is available for this article.MITSILEGASVALSAMISBlackwell Publishing LtdJcms Journal of Common Market Studies
AquacultureFarmed fish provide an increasing fraction of the human food supply, and are of major economic importance in many countries. As in the case of terrestrial agriculture, bringing together large numbers of animals of a single species (i.e., monoculture) increases the risk of infectious ...