【LASD】 LA County Sheriff’s Department为4月12日不幸出车祸的副警长Daniel Okamoto的遗体护送回南湾#美国警察 #洛杉矶县 - Code_6于20240428发布在抖音,已经收获了49.5万个喜欢,来抖音,记录美好生活!
Two law enforcement agencies that have been at odds in recentyears announced two partnerships to...Favot, Sarah
目前安保公司Brink's正在与洛杉矶县警察局调度员合作,配合调查此次盗窃事件。同时,美国联邦调查局也(FBI)证实,正在与洛杉矶县警察局(LA County Sheriff's Department)就此案进行合作调查。 02 华人展商损失惨重 安保公司Brink's被盗装甲...
LA county的sheriff(中文没有相对应职位,通常翻译成警长?)由民选产生,只对选民负责。谁也不能撤他职。但偏偏这次被选上来的sheriff Alex Villanueva很顽固。郡下令所以公务员必须接种COVID疫苗。但sheriff拒绝执行,所以county的所有deputy sheriff 可以无视该命令。虽然谁也拿他没辙,除非下一届选举,选民才能决定他...
The widow of a LA County deputy who took his own life is taking Los Angeles County to court, accusing LASD of forcing its employees to work overtime -- which may have contributed to the deputy's depression and eventual death.
The LA County Sheriff's Department (LASD) said in a statement that its Transit Services Bureau was on heightened alert due to the NYC transit attack and were deploying resources to keep everyone safe. "Our Explosives Detection K9 teams, Special Assignment Unit, Team Leader Deputies, and Commuter...
This was to celebrate the 24th annual Gun Destruction Event, which is part of a partnership between the LA County Sheriff's Department (LASD) and a Gerdau Steel Mill furnace in Rancho Cucamonga. Exactly 4,971 pieces of confiscated and surrendered firearms, including handguns, rifles and automati...
LA County sheriff说他不会执行州的公务员必须接种的命令的,因为他不想郡警因此辞职。舆论一片哗然。 这也算是民选制度的弊端之一。Sheriff由民选直选产生,完全独立,不对任何政府机构负责。所以一旦当选,除非做出极端事情引发recall之外,到下一届选举之前几乎可以任意独断独行,不受制衡和节制。 û...
Artists dedicate murals to LA County wildfire recovery efforts LA County Sheriff's Department working to locate missing persons from wildfires LA City calls on water utility to explain dry hydrants and reservoir Bj Dahl Bj Dahl is director of digital and streaming at CBS News Los Ange...
LOS ANGELES (CBSLA)-- Vanessa Bryant is suing L.A. County, its Sheriff's Department and Sheriff Alex Villanueva for negligence, invasion of privacy and emotional distress over thepersonal cell phone photos taken at the siteof the helicopter crash that killed her husband Kobe Bryant, their ...