My latest chapbooks. Have a purpose when you write A child in Africa dies, Because the parched land Can no longer feed it. Mothers watch, While fathers flee the reality, Searching for food, They know isn’t there. A blocked motorway Caused by a lefty woke Hanging from a gantry, Causes...
The Louisiana political and legal structure has maintained several elements from the times of French and Spanish governance. One is the use of the term "parish" (from the French: paroisse) in place of "county" for administrative subdivision.[258] Another is the legal system of civil law based...
In the county there are more than 4,300 people hospitalized with COVID-19. -Ahmad Hemingway Jan 16, 2022, 11:59 AM CST COVID surge continues to slow in New York The number of new coronavirus cases and the percentage of tests that come back positive continue to decline in New York stat...
Perhaps the most significant number in the poll is the percentage of newer émigrés who identify as Republican: a whopping 76% of those who migrated to the United States between 2010 and 2015. Paradoxically, these are also the Cubans-Americans who most frequently travel to Cuba, maintain relati...
In other words, at this point there will be six of the units, so the county can pick and choose six “stable individuals” among the 58,000 homeless. My guess is that it won’t be hard to find six such people who are down on their luck and just need a break. What this has to...
In Downey, Trump gained 18.8 percentage points in November compared with the 2020 presidential election, which saw a record turnout. Other cities in the southeast county moved even further right, though Democrat Kamala Harris still maintained a solid lead. The Trump bump between the t...
Trial introduction of property tax for the third house in Shanghai and Chongqing. Increase of house supply through provision of affordable houses. September 2014 Decrease of down payment/interest of loan for the second house by the central bank. Policy for limiting house purchases...
But the Board of Supervisors agreed Tuesday not to challenge the inclusion of the grassy hillside in a renewal zone if the city will forward to the county its full 57% share of property tax on new development. Usually, tax on new construction in a zone goes to the city redevelopment agency...
Product liability claims other than those arising out of personal injuries (mostly property damage claims) are not governed by a spe- cific pre-action protocol, but all claims must comply with the prac- tice direction on pre-action conduct, which sets out a number of general principles along...
12, it is strictly prohibited to borrow goods warehouse, forbidden to buy goods from suppliers, is strictly prohibited, intentionally or unintentionally, to suppliers ask for property, is strictly prohibited and the use of Department of collusion, damage the interests of the hotel, is strictly ...