LA Care Health Plan’s grants will go toward a total of over a dozen providers, both clinics and independent practices. These include Eisner Health, MLK Community Health Foundation, Family Care Specialists, and others scattered throughout the region of Los Angeles county. As many as 14 ...
Healthcare Industry Whether you’re looking for professionals to man the doors to mental health clinics, need guards for field sites after a natural disaster, or are simply looking to have a private security team to keep thieves and vandals out of your hospital or pharmacy, our guards are ...
For the first time, federal mandates require the full integration of health care and mental health care services in Los Angeles County. This Geographic Informational Services (GIS) project includes nine maps that illustrate the potential environmental and physical barriers that may negatively impact ...
Pacific Clinicshas been offering quality care for over 150 years, and after speaking with their team, it is so admirable to hear about everything they do for others. They have a wide variety of programs and services that touch on topics like Behavioral Health, Social Services, Supportive Servi...
where 240 doctors see patients for primary care and a number of specialties. But it also operates in less standard settings. Currently, two street medicine teams from Akido operate in Los Angeles andKern County, California, including the city of Bakersfieldwhere it helpedfund the constr...
LA Care Health Plan aims to address provider burnout and workforce shortages by providing $2 million in loan repayment grants to physicians at safety-net organizations in Los Angeles County.
We supplemented viral load testing with data from the LA County Department of Public Health Casewatch system33 whenever interviewed participants were not available for testing when due. Casewatch maintains electronic record data for Ryan White–funded clinics where most (n = 313) of the ...
All programmes and activities will follow Los Angeles County Department of Public Health guidance. LA28 will mark Los Angeles’ third time hosting the Olympic Games – which it previously hosted in 1984 and 1932 – and first time hosting the...
Most recently, Amelia won the 2023 Walgreens National Concerto Competition, performing the Barber Cello Concerto with the MYAC Orchestra. She also won First Prize at the 2023 Bolz Final Forte Competition where she appeared with the Madison Symphony, performing both the Barber Cello Concerto as well...
It is difficult to get homeless people to visit mental health clinics or stick to a regimen of medication, said Dr. Shayan Rab, a psychiatrist and member of Los Angeles County Department of Mental Health's Homeless Outreach and Mobile Engagement (HOME) program team. That's why Rab and h...