County Fair 還有各種表演, 除了鄉村歌手演唱之外還有中國雜耍團演出 沙雕Al’s Brain (那腦好像Funnel Cake啊!) 吃到飽飽之後走到fair 的另一邊才看到煙霧瀰漫香味四溢的烤肉攤, 唉~ 真後悔剛剛一時失志吞油 還好有帶大小銀, 省下停車費回家時也不用跟大家塞車 吃飽小運動一下剛好回家睡大覺 野餐& Faith H...
The La Habra Citrus Fair is back for its 14th year of family fun. The La Habra Chamber of Commerce, the host of the La Habra Citrus Fair, is pleased to announce the fair will be on May 3, 4, and 5, 2024. Presale discounted digital ride tickets (wristbands) are sold online!
she grew restless and took a temporary job helping to stage a tennis tournament. She thought it would be a great way to meet some of her longtime sports idols. There were tickets and box seats to sell and sponsors to find, and Patrick loved it ...