In addition to the support from CAC members, the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition advertised the walk audit on Instagram. Walk audits were conducted to understand the community’s perspective of the streets within the project area and to calibrate results from the technical needs assessment, to...
Public banking serves as a powerful tool for keeping taxpayer dollars within local communities. Public banks are non-profit lending and depository institutions owned by a local agency, such as a city or county, with a public mandate to serve the needs of the community. The Los Angeles Public ...
According to Bass, more investment into social workers and other care providers will help the safety issues facing the county's LA Metro system, a proposed solution she and some local leaders disagree on. She said law enforcement presence is needed but so are these other resources. Earlier t...
That was evidenced when a couple of years ago, I volunteered to help with a Democratic booth at a couple of county fairs in reliably blue Minnesota. We were scoffed at, yelled at, labeled baby killers, and threatened by what I am sure are otherwise good people. ...
Partners: Mayor’s Office [Lead Agency], Los Angeles Community College District, City of Los Angeles YouthSource Centers, Various L.A. City and L.A. County Departments, Local Colleges and Universities Focus Area:Public Service City Pathways for Youth ...
Megan and Jacqueline for Smokey Bear's appearance; Dillon and Sharol for running the daily operations; and Shawnee with the Emery County Recreation Department for reserving the Bear Creek Campground. It took many hands to make this event a success and we thank you everyone who made it possible...
BikeLA, the advocacy group formerly known as the Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, is hosting their annual Bike Fest this Saturday at the Highland Park Brewery in DTLA’s Chinatown neighborhood. Here’s how they describe the event.
For Southern California readers, the Philharmonic Society of Orange County invites you to celebrate their 70th anniversary with a performance ofNordic folk music by Danish String Quartetat the Westside Museum in Costa Mesa onFriday, April 12. “The versatile members of the Danish String Quartet bri...
[55] Alejandra Martinez, Emily FoxHall, and Carlos Nogueras Ramos, “How the Flooding in Southeast Texas got so Dire,” The Texas Tribune, May 3, 2024, [56] Helene@IN2THINAIR [57] The Face...
County Sheriff’s Department’s Marijuana Eradication Team (MET), along with park rangers, were able to storm the plantation, the growers were gone. Barely. “Their radio and stove were still on, tuned to a Mexican station,” says ranger Chuck Fox—who took me to the site about eight ...