Italian consensus conference on epilepsy and pregnancy, labor and puerperium Epilepsia, 50 (Suppl 1) (2009), pp. 7-23 CrossrefView in ScopusGoogle Scholar 11 T. Tomson, D. Battino, E. Bonizoni, J. Craig, A. Sabers, E. Peruca, for the EURAP Study Group Dose-dependent risk of malfor...
The recommendations of the Consensus Conference "Diagnostic and Therapeutic Management of Urinary Tract Infection in Childhood" are presented. Selection of the most appropriate urine collection technique depends on the child's ability to control urination and the urgency of the diagnosis. Directives for ...
Imaging protocols for CT urography: results of a consensus conference from the French Society of Genitourinary Imaging. Eur Radiol. 30(3):1387–1396 Article Google Scholar Nawfel RD, Judy PF, Schleipman AR, Silverman SG (2004) Patient radiation dose at CT urography and conventional urography....
Les anglicans insis-taient pour leur part sur les continuites, en evoquant la conference de Hamp-ton Court en 1604, qui avait bien rappele le röle des eveques: sans eveques, y aurait-il encore des rois? »No bishop, no king«, s'etait exclame justement Jacques Ier. L'experien...
[Management and prevention of imported Plasmodium falciparum malaria (Revision 2007 of the 1999 Consensus Conference). Long text in French]. Collaborators: Stahl JP, Chidiac C, Bru JP, Choutet P, Decazes JM, Dubreuil L, Leport C, Lina B, Perronne C, Pouchain D, Quinet B, Weinbreck P,...
Methodology and indications of H2-breath testing in gastrointestinal diseases: the Rome consensus conference. Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2009;29(1 Suppl):1–49. in Google Scholar PubMed 10. D’Angelo, G, Di Rienzo, TA, Scaldaferri, F...
three years later in 2007. BEING PLUMVILLE earned Savannah SORMAG Readers’ Choice Awards in 2007 and an Emma Award nomination for Debut Author of the Year at the 2008 Romance Slam Jam Conference. She has also spoken at several book fairs, including Capital Bookfest in Charleston, South Carolin...
Benedict, in his 2007 address of Eusebius says, “Historical analysis is never an end in itself; it is not made solely with a view to knowing the past; rather, it focuses decisively on conversion and on an authentic witness of Christian life on the part of the faithful. It is a guide...
To do this, it seems preferable to adopt a female-specific approach and build on a consensus based on clinical practice. Methodology This paper summarizes the work of the standardization and terminology committees of two international scientific societies, namely the International Urogynecological ...
Amin, L.L. Egevad, ISUP Grading Committee The 2005 International Society of Urological Pathology (ISUP) Consensus Conference on Gleason Grading of Prostatic Carcinoma Am J Surg Pathol, 29 (2005), pp. 1228-1242 Google Scholar Cited by (3) Evolution of the number of incident cases, stage and...