Briceno, D.F.C., Adriana; Valencia, Carlos; Torres, Julian Andres; Pacheco, Robinson; Montealegre, Maria Camila; Ospina, Diego; Villegas, Maria Virginia, Actualizacion de la resistencia a antimicrobianos de bacilos Gram negativos aislados en hospitales de nivel III de Colombia: anos 2006, ...
Ilustraciones de la aplicación de las tecnologías de información en la empresa española的书评 ··· ( 全部0 条 ) 论坛 ··· 在这本书的论坛里发言 + 加入购书单 谁读这本书? ··· 二手市场 ··· 在豆瓣转让 手里有一本闲着? 订阅关于Ilustraciones...
Gestión de la convivencia y profesores contra corriente, ArtículoThis study has demonstrated greater efficacy of a new percutaneous amethocaine preparation relative to Eutectic Mixture of Local Anaesthetics (EMLA). Initially, a double-blinded trial was undertaken on each preparation individually ...
Seguimiento de 1991 a 2004 de la mortalidad y los factores de riesgo emergentes en una cohorte de poblacion general espanola. Estudio DRECE III (Dieta y Riesgo de Enfermedades Cardiovasculares en Espana). Rev Esp Salud Publica. 2008; 82:415-423....
La construcción del otro y el discurso de la pobreza Narrativas y experiencias desde la periferia de la ciudad de México The Construction of the Other and the Discourse of Poverty Narratives and Experiences from the Periphery of the Mexico City María Cristina Bayón*, ...
Heart Septal Defects, VentricularOxygenOximetryPubMed Central Canada (PMC Canada) provides free access to a stable and permanent online digital archive of full-text, peer-reviewed health and life sciences research publications. It builds on PubMed Central (PMC), the U.S. National Institutes of ...
This research deals with the exploration of aspects involved in the decrease of the student register specializing in Computer Science of the Colegio Universitario de Administraci贸n y Mercadeo CUAM-Caracas. The purpose is to identify the optimum group of factors which can be corrected by an ...
Sánchez Franco, M.JUniversidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Administración de Empresas y Marketing, Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales, Universidad de Sevilla. Avda. Ramón y Cajal, n° 1. 41018 SevillaCuadernos De Economía Y Dirección De La Empresa...
In the work the behaviour of activity of selected enzymes in urine and in serum of experimental animals, which were intoxicated in an acute way, is presented. In the investigations there was observed the increase of activity of alkaline phosphatase in urine, simultaneous with its decrease in ...
In this essay, the articles which are published in the 芦Revista de Indias禄,fiom 1995 to 1999, are analyzed under a scientometric perspective. The main purpose has been to obtain un intercontinental vision fkom the use of scient$c production in the subject of American History through a ...