美国绿道及绿色空间规划研究生团队成员包括海迪•恩斯特 (Heidi Ernst),保罗•弗利(Paul Foley)以及安迪•格鲁 沙(Andy Galusha).海迪以此项目作为硕士论文基础. 另外,保罗和安迪基于他们关于绿道的知识,兴趣,以及 GIS技术,也为研究课题做了必不可少的制图工作.项目 组意识到课题的进行需要联邦政府的空间数据,...
Cullen/Frost, less than a 50th the size of Wells Fargo, had trouble getting its computers to work seamlessly with the SBA’s systems, so it marshaled an army of employees to handle forms. Most volunteered and worked from home, where they hopped online in the early morning and worked until...