JoséCentroM.CentroGilCentroCeballoCentroJoséCentroA.CentroSantosCentroWilliamCentroEBSCO_AspTecnología QuímicaGil J.M., Gil J.A., Suarez W. Estudio de la compresibilidad del bagazo a escala de Laboratorio. Revista Tecnologica Quimica [en linea] volumen 18 (numero 1), enero-mayo 1998 [...
Efecto de un surfactante en el jugo residual sobre la compresibilidad del bagazo. (Spanish).With the objective of knowing the effect of the presence of a surfactant in the residual juice on the compressibility of the bagasse, samples of it were taken to the exit of the fourth mill of ...