doi:10.1002/bjs.1800561228John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.BJS
Naves Y R 1971 Etudes sur les matieres vegetales volatiles CCVI. Presence de methyl- butenols et de leurs acetates dans I'huile essentielled'ylang-ylang.Bull Soc Chem F r 886- 888.Naves , Y.: Etudes sur les Matieres Végétales Volatiles CLXI. Présence de Lédol dans l’Huile ...
网站成立于2004年2月26日。已开启GZIP压缩。fabiennesonnelite.over-blog.com的域名年龄为20年7个月1天,注册商为Gandi SAS,DNS为,,域名更新时间是2024年01月26日,域名过期时间是2025年02月26日,距离过期还有152天。
Image analysers have been built to measure these parameters rapidly. Stereological equations are used to define three-dimensional characteristics from elementary count operations made in a plane.These techniques were used to characterize the air bubble system of six different concretes. All measurements ...
A secondary thrombosis of the bypass surgery occurred in 3 cases.Conclusion The natural history of Takayasu's arteritis and its evolution is badly known. The operative indications must not rest solely on the only anatomical balance, but based on a bundle of arguments in which, the assessment of...
They also indicate that L2 oral production at the advanced stages remains bound to a way of thinking the world which is the legacy of our L1.Chrostowski, WaldemarParis
Encapsulation of quercetin in compartmented lipid nanoparticles and preparation of nanocrystals have increased significantly its content in the dispersion and effectively improve its physical and chemical stability.Truong Công, TriParis
The fragmentation of 3,6-dibenzyl, 2,5-diketo piperazine in the mass spectrometry is presented. The general mechanism is proposed and discussed.Krzysztof JankowskiLouis Varfalvycanadian journal of chemistry
FORGET Celia, Le Full-time RVing : Une nouvelle approche de la culture de la mobilite en Amerique du Nord. (These de Doctorat) Universite Laval en cotutelle avec l'Universite de Provence. [Direction : Laurier Turgeon, Universite Laval, et Christian Bromberger...
Objective Upper urinary tract urothelial cell carcinomas (UUT-UCCs) are rare but usually invasive at diagnosis. Early diagnosis of UUT-UCCs is thus warranted. UUT has the same embryological origin with bladder and BLCA-4 is a highly sensitive and specific marker for bladder cancer. We intend ...