Mercy Regional Family Healthcare celebrated their Grand Opening with a Ribbon Cutting on April 22nd with community leaders and our providers Dr. Jody Johnson and Brooklyn Latour, FNP-C. Welcome ENT physician, Dr. Jason Trahan Welcome ENT physician, Dr. Jason Trahan to Mercy Regional Medical Cente...
Providers who verify their profiles gain the ability to update information, offering additional details about their specialties,education, treated conditions, performed procedures, and accepted insurances. Reviews on Vitals are submitted by users only. Recognizing the valuable insights these reviews offer...
IV Therapy Diabetes Management Illness Monitoring Physical Assessments Swallowing and Speech Assessments and Treatment Training in Activities of Daily Living At Divinity, We believe that the best home health care stems from a close relationship between patients and care providers. By treating the person ...
Lakeview Hospital joined LCMC Health, a nonprofit health system, in January 2023. The hospital continues to provide extraordinary care to patients in Covington, LA.
Massage Therapy Care Packages Pain Management Package Subzero Cryotherapy Package Spinal Decompression Package Begin Your Journey to Better Health Chiropractic Care What if there was a solution that may be able treat your back pain without drugs or surgery?
As the trusted medical provider of the U.S. National Teams, we are here during every moment of your lacrosse career. With sports medicine, orthopedic, physical therapy, urgent care, and concussion care throughout the region—MedStar Health is here for you with the expert care you need. Med...
Mercy Regional Family Healthcare celebrated their Grand Opening with a Ribbon Cutting on April 22nd with community leaders and our providers Dr. Jody Johnson and Brooklyn Latour, FNP-C. Welcome ENT physician, Dr. Jason Trahan Welcome ENT physician, Dr. Jason Trahan to Mercy Regional Medical Cen...
Office Locations Address: 4 Cabernet Drive Kenner, LA 70065 Therapy on Your Terms Connecting with a therapist can be difficult. BetterHelp can help with that. They have an online network of licensed and accredited psychologists, marriage and family therapists, clinical social workers, and counselors...
Supplier Homepage Products Infant Phototherapy light KS-LA-6P Portable Infant Phototherapy Lamp, Light Therapy for Baby Care Ks-La-6p Mobile Related Categories Surgical Instrument Physical Therapy Equipment Universal Medical Implement Surgical Doctor Medical E...
Team Providers Physician Alec E. Denes, M.D. Specialties Hip Knee Shoulder Foot + Ankle Neck + Spine Hand + Wrist + Elbow Joint Replacement Sports Medicine Acute Injury Care + 503-ATHLETE Interventional Pain Management Pediatric Orthopedics Trauma + Fracture Care Physicians Advanced Practitioners ...