After going from the ai-bitrariness of the 1950s to the normative administration of the 1970s, the management of human resources of the 1980s will be decentralized towards ministries which will take on full responsibility. The institution of an accountability system implies that the administrator ...
VI. Réactivité de la Fonction Alcoolique Primaire de la Voachalotine et de L'Affinisine. Bull. Soc. Chim. Belges, 74: 253–269. doi: 10.1002/bscb.19650740507 Author Information Service de Chimie Organique (Dir. Prof. R. H. Martin) Université Libre de Bruxelles 50, av. F. D. ...
The exact solution of the Feynman checkerboard model is given both in terms of the hypergeometric series and in terms of Jacobi polynomials. It is shown how this leads, in the continuous limit, to the Dirac equation in two-dimensional space-time.J. G. Williamscanadian journal of physics...
The method of pair density analysis is applied to very elaborate ab initio functions for the berylium atom. It is shown that these functions are separable to a high approximation even though they account for a large part of the correlation.Constanciel, R....
The method of pair density analysis is applied to very elaborate ab initio functions for the berylium atom. It is shown that these functions are separable to a high approximation even though they account for a large part of the correlation.R. Constanciel...
Yves-C. Gagnon est professeur à l‘École nationale d'administration publique de Montréal, Claude Provencher est chef de service Programmes administratifs au Conseil du Trésor du Gouvernement du Québec. Les auteurs remercient les évaluateurs anonymes pour leur précicuse contribution à cette ...