É. de Trévise, "Le pélerinage de Giverny," Revue de l'Art ancien et moderne, January-February 1927, p. 127 (illustrated). L. Venturi, Les Archives de l'impressionnisme, Paris, 1939, vol. I, pp. 462-463. D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet, biographie et catalogue raisonné, Lausanne,...
Claude Monet (1840-1926) Matinée sur la Seine 估价美元 15,000,000 – 美元 25,000,000 成交价美元 23,375,000 拍品27 A Robert Delaunay (1885-1941) La Tour Eiffel 估价美元 2,500,000 – 美元 3,500,000 成交价美元 3,372,500
It was in Argenteuil--located just down the Seine from Saint-Denis, where the river loops for a second time on its course north from Paris to the channel--that Monet spent the greater part of the decade between 1871 to 1878. It was here that many of his greatest Impressionist canvases ...
Paris, Galerie Georges Petit,Claude Monet, June 1898, no. 39. New York, Acquavella Galleries, Inc.,XIX & XX Century Master Paintings and Sculptures, October-November 1998. 拍品专文 Prompted by his desire to escape the difficulties of his personal life and to "gain strength from the sea ai...
Dr. Georges de Bellio, Paris (gift from the artist, 1879). E. Donop de Monchy, Paris (1894). Galerie Charles Vildrac, Paris (after 1920). Acquired by the late owners, 1945. 出版 D. Wildenstein, Claude Monet, biographie et catalogue raisonné, Lausanne, 1974, vol. I, p. 320, no...