Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Board on Global Health., & National Academies Press (U.S.). (2010). Antibiotic resistance: implications for global health and novel intervention strategies: workshop summary. Washington, D.C.: National Academies Press. ...
Estudio de la actividad antibacteriana en un hospital terciario. Evolución durante el período 2000-2005AntibioticsAntibiotic susceptibilityKnowledge of the antibiotic resistance in a specific healthcare area is essential for suitable application of the antibiotic policy, which can be understood as the ...
Traditionnellement, la résection chirurgicale était proposée après le 2èmeou 3èmeépisode de diverticulite aiguë simple, dans le but de prévenir les récidives et les formes plus graves [37,38]. Des études de cohorte ont montré que les complications survenaient pourtant lors du pre...
Propionibacterium acnes (P acnes) este implicat n patogenia acneei i necesit un tratament antibacterian, n special cu preparate antibiotice. Utilizarea preparatelor antibiotice n acnee a fost asociat cu posibilitatea dezvoltrii rezistenei lui P acnes la antibiotice i cu transferul factori...
CA登记号 171047-47-5 分子式 C29H31NO11S 结构式 品种类别 抗肿瘤药>细胞毒素类抗生素>蒽环类;antineoplastic;antibiotic; 关于我们|会员服务|至尊标王|广告服务|联系我们|法律声明|隐私条款|服务协议|投诉 建议 合作 | 最新产品 客服电话:0571-87759741,0571-87359436展会合作:0571-87759741 版权声明©2025...
Linezolid is the first molecule of a new antibiotic family, oxazolidinones, with an original mechanism of action. In this general review, the authors first present its antibacterial activity, its pharmacokinetic properties, its therapeutic uses in serious Gram-positive infections, pneumonia, skin and ...
antibiotic-induced rash. The antimicrobial regiment was narrowed down to daptomycin due to the concern that vancomycin and/or cefepime may be responsible for the drug rash. The cellulitis and abscess resolved following surgical debridement and treatment with vancomycin/daptomycin; however, the patient ...
a penicillin antibiotic used to treat a wide range of bacterial infections Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
The erythema surrounding the wound continued to progress (Fig. 1C) during the hospitalization and the patient remained febrile despite the broad-spectrum antibiotic regiment. Given the patient treatment failure by medical management, the patient was taken for surgical washout and debridement of the ...
Antibiotic susceptibility of study isolates Isolate and/or PFGE type TIC MIC(s) (µg/ml) of antimicrobials CTX CAZ FEP FOX AZT IMP CIP Klebsiella pneumoniae Type A1 ≥1,024 ≥1,024 256 512 4 512 0.125 32 Type B1 ≥1,024 ≥1,024 128 256 2 128 0.5 1 Type C1 ≥1,024 ≥1...