We determined the effects of exposure to TNF-alpha and other cytotoxic agents on cell size and morphology, cell membrane permeability, exposure of phosphatidylserine at the cell surface, nuclear morphology and fragmentation of DNA. Our results suggest that L929 cells treated with TNF-alpha alone ...
Tumorcells 1.Introduction Theelectroporationisaprocesswheretheelectricfield causesahighlytransientpermeabilityofthecellmembrane andthesubsequentformationofmembranepores[1–4].If themembraneispermeable,itallowsdifferentkindsof smallandlargemoleculestobeintroducedintothecyto- plasm,although,initsnormalstate,thecellplasma...
The viability of cell line upon contact with the surface of nanocrystalline TiO2film was comparable to the control sample. L929 cells had homogenous cytoplasm and were forming a confluent monofilm, while lysis and inhibition of cell growth was not observed. Moreover, the viability in contact with...
Toxicity evaluation of ZnO nanostructures on L929 fibroblast cell line using MTS assaydoi:10.1063/1.4915162ZnO has wide applications in medical and dentistry apart from being used as optoelectronic devices such as solar cells, photodetectors, sensors and light emitting diodes (LEDs). Therefore, the ...
[19] demonstrated QD-induced cytotoxicity was in part dependent on QD size and is characterized by chromatin condensation and membrane blebbing. In the murine microglial N9 cell, line red cationic QDs (5.2 nm) were distributed throughout the cytoplasm. In contrast, green and positively charged QDs...