此内容需要在 Steam 上拥有基础游戏 Dying Light 才能畅玩。 下载Dying Light – L4D2 Bill and Gnome Chompski Pack 免费 下载 关于此内容 来见见比尔和地精乔姆斯基吧。已经是老相识了?那就太棒了,因为他们即将作为可游玩模型以及双手武器加入《消逝的光芒》。下载新DLC来在哈兰中体验《求生之路2》的...
version = PLUGIN_VERSION, url = "https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198026784913/" };ConVar g_hCvarMPGameMode; ConVar g_hCvarZDifficulty;public void OnPluginStart() { g_hCvarMPGameMode = FindConVar("mp_gamemode"); g_hCvarZDifficulty = FindConVar("z_difficulty"); ...
// Where to download the campaign. Seen by people trying to join a server playing this campaign. Not required for workshop submissions. "Website" "http://media.steampowered.com/apps/513/deadline2.html" // VMT shown behind the end credits when your campaign ends. MUST have "v...
" // Where to download the campaign. Seen by people trying to join a server playing this campaign. Not required for workshop submissions. "Website" "http://media.steampowered.com/apps/513/deadline2.html" // VMT shown behind the end credits when your campaign ends. MUST have "vgui/" ...
7 Windows Description To go along with my other soundmods, I took a chunk out of Three Days Grace's 'Let it Die'. This new sound adds a strangely ominous cruelty to a friend's death. Perfect for the moments when you're escaping to the Helipad, and know that there's nothing you ca...
So feel free not to buy the game because I am pretty sure the whole left 4 dead team are laughing hard at this group and all the cheap people who think that left 4 dead was a waste or money. You guys got seriously spoilt by the orange box (which was a bargin) and really need ...
Ellis. INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Download and extract the ZIP file into game's main folder (or dedicated server's main folder): C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2\ - or - C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Left 4 Dead 2 Dedicated Server\ 2....
People to join do NOT need to download the mod to play. You need Left 4 dead 2 addon installed.(download it from Steam). RAF ARCADE MOD : --- - Survivors carry more ammo. - Specials infected respawn time longer (campain). - Survivors should shoot...
BinkOpen( g:\program files\l4d2\left4dead2\media\l4d2_background03.bik ) 分享8赞 steam吧 _表入格_ 【自制的L4D2模组】更完善的生还者Bot AI刚刚在求生吧发了一贴,但是懒得重新码字了,直接复制过来吧 这个模组用于改善bot的某些行为,和加强bot自保能力。 大概是三周前开始写的,陆陆续续更新到现在,...
Feel free to use this as a template for the metadata while for your own [[Add-on|custom campaign addons]]. Remember the URL in the Website key should point to the home website to your mission and have a download option there! Players who don't have your mission will be directed to...