L4D1/2 help server to record, make server more fun, and more useful plugins for adm. - L4D1_2-Plugins/l4d_CreateSurvivorBot/readme.md at f38fb71ef5304d6b6a02eb55322a777518dcd7a0 · fbef0102/L4D1_2-Plugins
CreateDirectory("/addons/sourcemod/logs/chat", 777); fileHandle = OpenFile(chatFile, "a"); //open again if(fileHandle == null) { LogError("Can not create chat file: %s", chatFile); return; } } WriteFileLine(fileHandle, message); delete fileHandle; } void my_...
Like itWatch itAward it Description the addon will fix the broken animations for the original survivors and the l4d2 survivors gives francis and louis their original animations(works online) gives coach louis/francis animations so that he has his height and that his pistolshotgun and rifle animat...
* [sourcemod v1.11 compiler](https://www.sourcemod.net/downloads.php?branch=1.11-dev): scripting folder 8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion 8 l4d_drop/readme.md Original file line numberDiff line numberDiff line change @@ -7,6 +7,12 @@ Allows players to drop the weapon they are...
if(fileHandle == null) { CreateDirectory("/addons/sourcemod/logs/chat", 755); CreateDirectory("/addons/sourcemod/logs/chat", 777); fileHandle = OpenFile(chatFile, "a"); //open again if(fileHandle == null) { 0 comments on commit fa59117 Please sign in to comment. Footer...
If you have a prefered edition of a Plugin, you are able to simply replace the file in sourcemod/plugins folder. do not overwrite any plugin that's existed. To make it easy for personal configuration for certain plugins, there's an added "server_custom_convars.cfg" in the left4dead/cf...