4. 数据包格式 本章节介绍数据包格式,Data Packet Format L2CAP有以下几种连接类型: AI检测代码解析 - Connection-oriented Channels in Basic L2CAP mode - Connectionless Data Channel in Basic L2CAP mode - Connection-oriented Channel in Retransmission/Flow Control/Streaming Mode - Connection-oriented Channel...
mpls switch-l2vc [ instance-name instance-name ] ip-address vc-id [ tunnel-policy policy-name ] [ oam-packet pop flow-label ] between ip-address vc-id trans trans-label recv recv-label [ tunnel-policy policy-name ] [ oam-packet pop flow-label ] encapsulation encapsulation-type [ mtu ...
建立不同类型的L2CAP连接的CID规则如下: 4.Data Packet Format 首先,L2CAP有5种operation mode: 此外,L2CAP有以下几种连接类型: A:CONNECTION-ORIENTED CHANNELS in basic L2CAP mode(面向连接,采用基本L2CAP模式) B: CONNECTIONLESS DATA CHANNEL in basic L2CAP mode(无连接的,采用基本L2CAP模式) C:CONNECTION...
本章节介绍信号包格式,Signaling Packet Format 这里介绍的是在对端设备上两个L2CAP实体间传递的信号命令(Signaling Commands) 这些信号命令通过Signaling Channel来传输 对于ACL-U逻辑链路应该使用CID 0x0001, 而对于LE-U则应该使用CID 0x0005 通用的信号包格式如下 Field类似B-Frame,不详述;值得一说的是payload长度 ...
4.Data Packet Format 首先,L2CAP有5种operation mode: 此外,L2CAP有以下几种连接类型: A:CONNECTION-ORIENTED CHANNELS in basic L2CAP mode(面向连接,采用基本L2CAP模式) B: CONNECTIONLESS DATA CHANNEL in basic L2CAP mode(无连接的,采用基本L2CAP模式) ...
mpls switch-l2vc [ instance-name instance-name ] ip-address vc-id [ tunnel-policy policy-name ] [ oam-packet pop flow-label ] between ip-address vc-id trans trans-label recv recv-label [ tunnel-policy policy-name ] [ oam-packet pop flow-label ] encapsulation encapsulation-ty...
Note that this smaller packet format contains no data, obviating the need for a full 16-bit CRC. Instead, the Header symbol is sent twice in the packet, and the instances are checked against each other to ensure a match. The Acknowledge packets also include a 2-bit sequence number that ...
/// L2Cap packet code. uint8_t code; struct l2cc_lecb_send_data_req send_lecb_data_req; struct l2cc_reject reject; struct l2cc_update_param_req update_req; ... ... } } 可以看到和L2CAP的报文格式完全匹配,开头4字节是 Length 和 Channel ID,其中...
The L2CAP layer of the BLE Host Stack performs data multiplexing through the use of a Channel ID (CID), which is a 2-byte value contained by the L2CAP Basic Header, as seen in the general L2CAP packet format: Several CIDs are reserved. For instance, 0x0004 is used by the ATT, 0x...
4.Data Packet Format ⾸先,L2CAP有5种operation mode:此外,L2CAP有以下⼏种连接类型:A:CONNECTION-ORIENTED CHANNELS in basic L2CAP mode(⾯向连接,采⽤基本L2CAP模式)B: CONNECTIONLESS DATA CHANNEL in basic L2CAP mode(⽆连接的,采⽤基本L2CAP模式)C:CONNECTION-ORIENTED CHANNELS的连接...