Over the past few decades, Second Language Acquisition (SLA) research has shown a growing interest in linguistic relativity, specifically in Slobin's (1987, 1996) thinking-for-speaking hypothesis. The thinking-for-speaking hypothesis pos... H Noguchi - 《Working Papers in Tesol & Applied Linguist...
This site gives you all the news you could want about past and present shopping trends around the holiday season. Get statistics, articles, and information about Black Friday and Cyber Monday. It will help you check out what’s big this year or look at what happened last year at this time...
Applied to peer reviewing, Mory (2003) describes internal feedback as an inherent process of self-monitoring that links students' past performance to their next successive task, motivating writers to reinterpret their task and their own engagement. The beneficial effects of encouraging students to ...
For numerical experiments, we have used three types of PSFs (point spread functions) which are Gaussian blur with standard deviation 9 and Average blur and Motion blur of size 9 × 9 9×9. PSF arrays P for Gaussian blur with standard deviation 9 and Average blur and Motion blur of size...
Newton’s equations of motion were integrated using the Verlet algorithm with a time step of 1 fs in a simulation range of 10 ps. 4. Conclusions In this work, the atomic structure and electronic structure of LiAl2(OH)6Cl were studied based on the first principles calculations. LiAl2(OH)...