In the past decade, there has been a growing documented effort to approximate a matrix by another of lower rank minimizing the L1-norm of the residual matrix. In this paper, we first show that the problem is NP-hard. Then, we introduce a theorem on the sparsity of the residual matrix....
In addition, it can be concluded that there is no RFP-L1 in the surveying system with design matrix containing only±1 and 0. Key words: L1-norm estimation gross errors detection conditional equation influence coefficient 观测值...
2. L1 norm L1 norm of a vector: the absolute sum of all elements in this vector Example: L2([3, 4]) = 7 L1 norm of a matrix: find the absolute sum of elements for each column, then pick the biggest one, it is the L1 norm 3. L2 norm L2 norm of a vector: the length of ...
Let W=(w ij ) be a fixed m×n weight matrix, and let the W-weighted l 1 norm on m×n be defined by |A| W,1 =∑ i,j |w ij a ij |,A=(a ij )· Given weight matrices U,V,W, of orders m×r, r×n and m×n, respectively, we begin by proving that a constant μ>...
subspace, further uses the measurement matrix to reduce the dimensionality of the signal subspace observation, constructs a weighted matrix, and combines the sparse reconstruction to establish a convex optimization function based on...
What is a norm? Mathematically a norm is a total size or length of all vectors in a vector space or matrices. For simplicity, we can say that the higher the norm is, the bigger the (value in) matrix or vector is. Norm may come in many forms and many names, including these popular...
Let W =(Wij ) be a fixed m × n weight matrix, and let the W-weighied l1 , norm on Cm×n be defined by Given weight matrices U,V,W, of orders m × r r × n and m × n, respectively, we begin by proving that a constant μ > 0 satisfies In the second part of this ...
Given a vector svector,find a vector k which having sum(abs(k))=l1norm;sum(k,2)=l2norm ; and is closest to svector in euclidian distance if nn is set to 1 ,and the elements of k is restricted to non-nagative""" def projfuc(svector,l1norm,l2norm,nn): ...
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differentiable, strongly convex and smooth, which are general assumptions in convex optimization. The L1 norm is not differentiable. One of most representativeoptimizationmethod is the proximal method, which iteratively takes a gradient descent step and then solves a proximal problem on the current ...