1 采样L1数据缓存未命中事件 sudo perf -e L1-dcache-load-misses -c 100000 -a -p 16991 2 查看事件的详细信息 sudo perf report -n --stdio 注意,对这种频繁事件,采样频率过于频繁,可能会影响正在运行的软件性能。
这回产生了1,421,402,322次 L1-dcache-load-misses, 所以慢多了. 8799024张图7000字详解计算机中的高速缓存 比如,第k+1层的0,4,8,12会映射到第k层的块0。块1,5,9,13会映射到块1。 4. 缓存中有数据块10,则直接返回给CPU。这叫做缓存命中 。...如果缓存不命中,CPU会进行等待,高速缓存...
1 Does L1 Icache itself have prefetcher? (I know ip and nextline is associated to L1 Dcache). Does TLB have prefetcher? 2 What trigger the prefetchers to work, miss or access? 3 As we all know, many academic prefetch papers used the concept of "prefetch deg...