Convex Combination Consistency between Neighbors for Weakly-supervised Action Localization 弱监督动作定位中相邻凸组合一致性 0.前言 相关资料: arxiv github 论文解读 论文基本信息: 领域:弱监督时序动作定位 发表时间:arxiv 2022(2022.5.1) 摘要 在弱监督时间动作定位(WS-TAL)中,这些方法通常遵循“分类...
也就是说,强制子片段的预测与父片段预测的凸组合保持一致。这种正则化有两个优点。首先,它迫使模型学习将相邻片段之间的决策边界变平,这可以提高受干扰片段预测的稳定性,从而在给定的测试数据集上实现精确的动作边界定位。其次,它可以减少相邻片段/视觉上相似的片段之间的差异,从而在时间维度上产生更连续的预测。 3)...
Let (Ω,Σ,μ) be a σ-finite measure space and consider the Lebesgue function space L1(μ) endowed with its standard norm. We obtain a characterization of weak compactness for closed bounded convex subsets of L1(μ) in terms of the existence of fixed points for certain classes of ...
LetMandNbe convex spaces, one of which is compact, andfa function onM× N, quasi-concave-convex and u.s.c-l.s.c. Then, supinf f = infsupf. Using the new fixed point theorem of separately upper semi-continuous mappings in [13], we prove the following result on the existence of ...
In this paper, we prove an L~2 extension theorem for holomor- phic sections of holomorphic line bundles equipped with singular metrics on weakly pseudoconvex K?hler manifolds. Furthermore, in our L~2 estimate, optimal constants corresponding to variable denominators are obtained. As applications,...
Summary on renorming for uniforml rotund in every direction, strictly convex, and weakly uniformly rotund spacesdoi:10.1007/978-3-031-08655-7_18We mentioned in Subsection 9.3.1 that the basic Clarkson's renorming method provided R, URED, or URWC equivalent norms.Guirao, Antonio José...
Pseudoconvex domain of finite typeEssential normSchatten classIn this paper, we study the Bergman-Toeplitz operator T-psi induced by psi(w)=K-Omega(-alpha)(w,w)d(Omega)(beta)(w) with alpha,beta >= 0 acting from a weighted L-p-space L-a(p)(Omega) to another one L-a(q)(Omega)...
boundary pointsweakly pseudoconvex Kähler manifoldIn this paper, we consider minimal L~2 integrals on the sublevel sets of plurisubharmonic functions on weakly pseudoconvex K?hler manifolds with Lebesgue measurable gain related to modules at boundary points of the sublevel sets, and establish a ...
Hölder and L p estimates for $$\\bar \\partial$$ b on weakly pseudo-convex boundaries in ℂ 2Energy savingEnergy-efficient routingEuclidean distanceLocalizationWireless sensor networkk-coverageOne of the major challenges in the area of wireless sensor networks is simultaneously reducing energy ...
Bergman–Toeplitz Operators Between Weighted $$L^p$$-Spaces on Weakly Pseudoconvex DomainsBergman kernelBergman–Toeplitz operatorPseudoconvex domain of finite typeEssential normSchatten classIn this paper, we study the Bergman–Toeplitz operatorTψ\\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \\usepackage{amsmath} ...