L-Methionine-DL-sulfoximine 已被用于抑制体外谷氨酰胺依赖的氨刺激的神经元毒性,增强谷氨酰胺缺陷依赖的抑郁症。L-Methionine-DL-sulfoximine 极大地增加了蓝藻中固定氮的释放速度。L-Methionine-DL-sulfoximine 有望用于生物肥料和惊厥发作的研究。 品牌介绍: MCE (MedChemExpress) 拥有数百种*仅有化合物,我们致力...
1990. L-methionine D,L-sulfoximine induces massive efflux of glutamine from cortical astrocytes in primary culture. Eur J Pharmacol 182:587-590.Albrecht, J. and Norenberg, M.D. (1990). L-Methionine-DL-sulfoximine induces massive efflux of glutamine from cortical astrocytes in primary culture. ...
MCE 国际站:L-Methionine-DL-sulfoximine 产品活性:L-Methionine-DL-sulfoximine (MSX)是谷氨酰胺合成酶的抑制剂。L蛋氨酸亚砜亚胺也是一种强有力的惊厥剂,主要影响星形胶质细胞的代谢和形态。 热门产品线:重组蛋白 | 化合物库 | 天然产物 | 染料试剂 | PROTAC | 同位素标记物 Trending products:Recombinant Protei...
Rao VL, Murthy CR. (1988) Age-dependent variation in the sensitivity of rat brain glutamine synthetase to L-methionine-DL-sulfoximine. Int J Dev Neurosci 6:425-430.Raghavendra Rao, V.L., Murthy, C.R.K., 1988. Age-dependent vari- ation in the sensitivity of rat brain glutamine ...
Saverio Tardito, Martina Chiu, Renata Franchi-Gazzola, Valeria Dall'Asta, Paola Comi, Ovidio Bussolati The non-proteinogenic amino acids L-methionine sulfoximine and DL-phosphinothricin activate mTOR Electronic Supplementary Material Fig. S1. The effects of Gln, MSO and PPT on cell morphology. ...
l-Methionine-dl-sulfoximine resistant Het+ Nif+ and Het Nif strains of Nostoc muscorum assimilating methylamine as ammonium nitrogen sourceCyanobacteriaMSX-resistant GSMA assimilationN 2 -fixation and heterocyst formationThe Het + Nif + and Het Nif strains of Nostoc muscorum sensitive to growth ...
1979. Effects of L-methionine-DL- sulfoximine and ,-N-oxalyl-L-a,p-diaminopropionic acid on ni- trogenase biosynthesis and activity in Rhodopseudomonas cap- sulata. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 89:353-359.Meyer J, Vignais PM (1979) Effects of L-methionine-DL-sul- foximine & /3-N-...
L-methionine-DL-sulfoximinephotoautotrophic growthphotoheterotrophic growthDiuron (DCMU) is inhibitory to the photoautotrophic and photoheterotrophic growth of the N 2 -fixing blue-green alga Nostoc muscorum at concentrations of 1.0×10 5 M and 2.0×10 5 M, respectively. A mutant of this organism...
(1983) Effect of l-methionine-dl-sulfoximine on acetylene reduction and vesicle formation in depressed cultures of Frankia strain D11. Can. J. Microbiol. 29: pp. 1003-1006Gauthier, D. L. 1 983. Effect of L methionine-DL-sulfoximine on acetylene reduction and vesicle fonnation in de...
l-Methionine-dl-sulfoximine resistant Het+ Nif+ and Het Nif strains of Nostoc muscorum assimilating methylamine as ammonium nitrogen sourcedoi:10.1111/j.1574-6968.1983.tb00084.xCyanobacteriaMSX-resistantGSMAassimilationN2-fixationandheterocystformationThe Het+ Nif+ and Het− Nif− strains of Nostoc...