I also read through several doctors who were quoted on other sites saying that they don’t see L-Arginine being a effective therapy to treat erectile dysfunction. But let’s face it, most doctors have an agenda and incentive to push pharmaceutical drugs on their patients, so of course they...
Arginine is also used in the treatment of medical conditions that are improved by vasodilation, such as angina, coronary artery disease, and erectile dysfunction. Arginine also aids protein synthesis and has been studied for wound healing, muscle building, and increasing sperm production (spermatogene...
如果你想增强体质,请查看 L-精氨酸 和L-瓜氨酸这两种氨基酸通常用于 膳食补充剂 来刺激身体的功能。 两者都以一氧化二氮的产生为目标,一氧化二氮有助于放松全身的血管,促进血液循环和心脏健康。这些变化有助于改善身体的一些功能: 运动表现 心脏健康 血压 性功能 补充L-瓜氨酸 和L-精氨酸 可以帮助您保持...