Lebensmut (German m.) zest for life, indomitable spirit, pluck lebensnotwendig (German) vital Lebensphilosophie (German f.) philosophy of life Lebensraum (German m.) room for living, space for an expanding population Lebensretter (German m.) rescuer, life-guard ...
long smut long spacing collagen long stamened flower long stamen flower longstamen onion bulb long standing disloca long stephania herb long strong long term care plan long term effect long term gene ticsta long term healthy car long terminal repeat long terminal repeat long term issues long term...
No, but seriously, born of these two flawless human beings, he really is the most beautiful and talented, and the reader knows this. They talk about how they’re going to have lots of children, so never fear, the spawn of Grey will be out there, like Skye O’Malley’s children, rea...
L-012 是一种高灵敏度的化学发光(CHL)探针,比鲁米诺(Luminol)试剂更有效。L-012 与多种类型的活性氧反应,这些活性氧来自人血液和口腔中激活的中性粒细胞或者大鼠腹膜腔。该产品可以用于有辣根过氧化物酶的ELISA 试剂盒,可提高反应灵敏度。 结构式 溶解及保存:蒸馏水溶解成20 mM/L(6.23 mg/mL)的水溶液,再用...