1977. Population growth rates and age versus stage-distribution models for teasel (Dipsacus sylves- tris Huds.). Ecology, 58: 1103-1111.Werner PA and H Caswell. Population growth rates and age versus stage-distribution models for teasel ( Dipsacus sylvestris Huds. ). Ecology , 58 , 1103...
Series of catch per unit effort by age are also analysed for some commercial fleets.The age group distribution (0,1,2 and >2 years) in autumn, based on information from bottom trawl surveys, is presented for the whole area studied.The data analysis reflects clear seasonality of mackerel in...
has spread to occupy large areas of intertidal mudflats around the shores of the British Isles during the past one hundred years. Although the grass is capable of covering suitable mudflats rapidly by a combi- nation of seeding and vegetative growth, its i1;litial introduction by man into ...
Si vous supposez des moyennes de population sous-jacentes égales, et si t est inférieur à 0, « P(T <= t) one-tail » donne la probabilité qu’une valeur de la statistique t soit observée qui est plus négative que t. Si t est supérieur ou égal à 0, « P(T <...
临床综述 l 2023JAMA 成人肥胖管理 编/译 陈康 肥胖症目前的定义是体重指数(BMI)为30或更高,在全球范围内影响着8亿人。1在美国,大约42%的成年人有肥胖症,2和肥胖相关的花费估计为每年1730亿美元。3肥胖症是一种以过度肥胖为定义的慢性疾病,其结构和...
Blocages du pool d’applications EWS Feuille de route de fin de support Exchange 2013 Échec de l’installation d’Exchange CU Échec de l’ajout de la copie de la base de données de boîte aux lettres Échec de la modification de la propriété d’un groupe de di...
In holometabolous insects, oviposition site selection by gravid females plays an important role in their distribution, abundance, and population dynamics owing to the immobility of egg stages combined with the lack of parental care1. Location and selection of the most appropriate substrate for oviposi...
A global view of aging and Alzheimer’s pathogenesis-associated cell population dynamics and molecular signatures in human and mouse brains Article Open access 30 November 2023 Introduction Recent advances in single-nucleus RNA sequencing (snRNA-seq) have provided an unprecedented ability to disentangle...
Décrit un problème où l’avertissement - Les heures de congés payés dépassent les congés des employés disponibles s’affiche dans le rapport générer vérifier le fichier dans la paie, même s’il y a suffisamment d’heures de congés dans les r
Domestication has had a strong impact on the development of modern societies. We sequenced 200 genomes of the chocolate plant Theobroma cacao L. to show for the first time to our knowledge that a single population, the Criollo population, underwent stron