Meaning and Function of the “L” on an Automatic Transmission Most modern vehicles with automatic transmissions have an additional setting after “D,” denoted by the letter “L.” This setting refers to Low or Low Gear mode. Setting the gear shifter to “L” is similar to setting it to...
What Does The L Mean On A Gear Shift? The L on your gear shift stands for the Low gear. It’s the equivalent of first gear in a manual transmission vehicle, depending on what car you drive. In L, the transmission doesn’t shift into the higher gears, but it stays in the lowest ...
sadly. The legalization of on-line casinos in Indiana is not imminent, but watch this area as talks are ongoing at the legislative stage. Moreover, Georgia doesn't have any land-based casinos, meaning actual cash gambling is impossible for residents of The Peach State. The state has permitte...
The meaning of LARPER is a person who participates in a live-action role-playing game : someone who LARPS. How to use LARPer in a sentence.
car·i·ca·ture ˈkar-i-kə-ˌchu̇(ə)r -ˌt(y)u̇(ə)r 1 : exaggeration of the actions, parts, or features of someone or something usually for comic or satirical effect 2 : something (as a drawing) produced by using caricature 3 : something that se...
laisser (French) to allow, to leave, for example, laisser vibrer meaning 'let it sound on' laisser à désirer (French) to leave something to be desired Laisser-aller (French m.) absence of constraint, excessive ease of manner, casualness, carelessness, slovenliness laisser ... dans l'igno...
When people intentionallymisinterpret your words,stand back,it’s their words,not yours that haveno value,orreal meaning.Stand backfrom those who try to turn yourown wordsagainst you. If not, this can only lead to a life full of misery, and misunderstandings coupled with unnecessary altercation...
we employ experts who are deeply knowledgeable about all the vehicles we sell, meaning you can trust us to help youdiscover the ideal new or used BMW for you. No matter if you're stopping in to peruse our BMW vehicles for sale, buy car parts or require auto service, you're sure to ...
# Display the meaning of each item in the display ldm innerdata command. <HUAWEI> system-view [HUAWEI] diagnose [HUAWEI-diagnose] display ldm innerdata help --- Command: display ldm innerdata <item-name> [ key &<1-5> ] [ slot slot-id ]. Supported item-name list is following: displ...
“Hymne à l’amour” (meaning: hymn to love) is a French song originally written and sung by Édith Piaf in 1950. In July, 2024 Céline Dion performed the song from the Eiffel tower at the opening ceramony of the Paris Olympics. ...