Knee surgery.Author information: (1)Hospital for Special Surgery, New York Hospital-Cornell University Medical College, New York.doi:10.1097/00002281-199002010-00028G R ScuderiJ N InsallCurr Opin RheumatolCurrent Opinion in Rheumatology
There were significant (P < 0.001) de creases in analgesic use and perceived pain throughout the 10 days. Conclusions were that most patients who have undergone arthroscopic surgery of the knee per ceive pain at low levels, use limited amounts of anal gesics, and return to work within a ...
疾病导论系列 l 2024老年人少肌性肥胖-概述和病理生理 肌肉减少性肥胖/肌少症性肥胖/少肌性肥胖(Sarcopenic obesity)的特征是同时出现肌肉质量和功能下降以及脂肪组织增加。由于显著的健康结局,包括对死亡率、合并症和发展为老年综合征的风险的影响,少肌性肥胖在老年人中越来越受到关注。2022年的一份共识声明确立...
周期性库欣综合征可占库欣病患者的 7-21%【Clin Endocrinol1993;38:79–86;Clin Endocrinol2018;89:336–45;Endocr Pract1997;3:123–29;Eur J Endocrinol2009;160:1011–18】,以及高达 26% 的小结节性肾上腺皮质增生症患者【Surgery2008;143...
C is c o C o n fid e n tia l 2 Old scenario: Knee surgery Person with pain in his knee v isits his G P Patient need to c al l and b ook appointem ent f or X-ray . A f ter X-ray taken, need to b ook new appointm ent with his G P. B ring his own im ag es ...
【摘要】 目的:报道经治的 13 例 3D 打印生物型多孔肱骨干假体治疗肱骨近端超极限瘤性骨缺损的早期疗效并介绍生物型多孔肱骨干假体的设计理念。 方法:回顾性分析接受肱骨近端恶性肿瘤瘤段整体切除同时超极限关节…
在 3D 打印假体应用于临床之前,恶性肿瘤保肢大多采用传统假体或模块化的组配假体,这些假体设计之初是以成年患者的骨骼设计的,所以用在儿童保肢存在诸多临床固有问题,具体表现有假体尺寸不匹配,形成应力遮挡、假体周围骨折及无菌性松动等并发症 [10-11],甚至对年龄更小的儿童无法使用。若采取异体骨重建,由于异体...
L-carnitine tartrate has been shown to improve relatively short-term recovery among athletes. However, there is a lack of research on the longer-term effects in the general population. Objective: The primary objectives of this randomized double-blind, pl
Do you want to become a perfect knee surgeon? Yes! Then this game provides the knowledge of “how to do a surgery” in emergency conditions. Perform simulations of virtual operation and cure the patients. Perform as a perfect surgeon in the real world or play virtually. Doctors are angels ...
初次手术给予刮除植骨内固定术,术后病理证实提示为骨肉瘤;c:以远端保留关节面的解剖特征设计 3D 打印假体;d:术中肿瘤切除,假体体部为机加工,关节端为锥状的多孔 3D 打印结构;e:术中假体安装完成;f、g:术后 37 个月,假体远端的 3D 打印结构与自体关节面形成紧密的结合;h:病理 (HE × 10);i:术后功能...