electron energy loss spectraCu L-edgeEELScuprous oxide intergranular phaseElectron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS) experiments were performed on the copper-oxygen system in conjunction with a cuprous oxide intergranular phase which has been identified in the YBa2Cu3O7x superconductor system. The ...
In this study, high-resolution photoabsorption spectra of P L-edge of P[F.sub.5] are recorded using the newly commissioned VLS-PGM beamline at the Canadian Light Source (13). An improved photon resolution (15 meV at P 2p or a...Hu, Y.F...
(lower), respectively. One site-averaged count refers to a crystal structure where both its corresponding L2and L3-edge site-wise XANES spectra are complete. One site-wise count refers to either L2or L3spectrum for a single absorbing site. The figure is colored in terms of the site-averaged...
The initial release of the database contains more than 140,000 L-edge spectra for more than 22,000 structures generated using a high-throughput computational workflow. The data is disseminated through the Materials Project and addresses a critical need for L-edge XANES spectra among the research ...
I OT|APTER Vrr I rnE stcNtFtcANcE I OF BTOLOCTCAL RADTATTONS rN Brolocy. JI MEDICINE AND AGRICULTURE A. LrtrrCEr,LItLA-R OROAr\ISMS JI (l) Emission at Diffe #ffi;#,i,:'ffi",i'j,'f"*",i;,j:n,u ilniJ"1i;" I "".IJ I I II I J"*"i.I I , i' il ;;' nga...
Quantification of electron energy-loss spectra with K and L shell ionization cross-sectionsQuantitative EELS microanalysis in the analytical electron microscope involves the use of partial scattering cross-sections to relate measured edge intensities of the elements to their composition. To test the ...
ELNES Ti-L 2,3 edge spectraanataseAnatase and rutile Ti- L 2,3 edge spectra were measured in electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) using a transmission electron microscope (TEM) coupled to a CEOS Cs-probe corrector, an omega-type monochromator and an in-column omega-type energy filter ...
Fig. 3 Extracted line spectra for Si L edge from EELS image. The change in the energy loss near edge structure(ELNES) for SiN, SiOxNy and SiO2 can be clearly observed. The edge onset in Si L edge shifts to lower energy loss value with increasing the Nitrogen concentration.N. Hashikawa...
Theoretical or Mathematical, Experimental/ electron energy loss spectra/ L cross sectionsquantitative microanalysisM cross sectionsEELSpartial scattering cross sectionsedge intensitiesL 2,3 edgesM 4,5 edgesHartree-Slater modelSQuantitative microanalysis using the EELS technique requires the knowledge of ...
O K- and Ti L 23 -core-loss spectra of fresnoite Ba 2 TiSi 2 O 8 (BTS) and Sr 2 TiSi 2 O 8 (STS), which is isotypic to BTS, have been measured by electron energy-loss spectroscopy (EELS). The energy-loss near-edge structures (ELNES) of the O K edge have been identified ...