while writing the name "Hideki Ryuga" into the Death Note, the face of the pop singer bearing that name might enter Light's thoughts involuntarily, and that would cause the death of pop singer Ryuga, which would also lead L to the obvious conclusion that Light is Kira. As such, L's ...
“ It's obviously Death Note, you dummies ” — Wikia Contributor “ Well, you're one stubborn guy… ” — DSZ9 “ Don't call people dummies, you dummy. ...Joking. The L symbolizes the three stages of the two songs, L and L2, merged together. The first song, L, standing...
http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/DEATH_NOTE%E3%81%AE%E7%99%BB%E5%A0%B4%E4%BA%BA%E7%89%A9 夜神妆裕(やがみ さゆ、Sayu Yagami)(声:工藤晴香/演:満岛ひかり)1989年(アニメ版では、1992年)6月18日生(14~15歳) 身长147cm 体重38kg 血液型 O型 夜神月の妹。私立英集中学校...
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AvrilVVM 【avril歌词】艾薇儿The Best Damn Thing歌曲歌词(有中文翻译)Avril lavril - The Best Damn Thing(美丽坏东西) The Best Damn Thing 发行日期:2007年4月17日 Worldwide Sales: TBA 世界销量:已经超过700 分享32赞 柘城县二高吧 〆香草冰淇淋╰ 《デスノ—ト》DEATH-NOTE 中文翻译《死亡笔记》想看...
68015 地下城与勇士吧 酷爱亽恋感 伊希斯·普雷这个字母到底是N还是H 昨天打每日遇到的情况,有说N的有说H的,虽然不管是N还是H就只有这一个,但是一时没反应过来的情况还是会发生的 23028 西国宫殿吧 HeavEN·挚爱 【西国宫殿】·【盖楼】Death_Note·L。https://tieba.baidu.com/西国宫殿 分享128赞 魔方吧...