Khi phần mềm đã được tái lập thì lỗi “Error, boot device not found” sẽ không còn xảy ra nữa. Sửa lỗi Reboot and Select Proper Boot Device trong Windows 2. Cách khắc phục lỗi "No boot device found" ...
any errors are found. This switch does not back up the registry. filename Scans the registry file specified and displays a message indicating whether or not any errors were found. This switch does not back up the registry. /opt The /opt command...
AAC audio is required for YouTube, videos without audio will not work You don't need to enable RTMP module listening for this taskYou can use API:POST http://localhost:1984/api/streams?src=camera1&dst=rtmps://... Or config file:publish...