Through Primal Reversion and with nature'sfull power, it will take back its true form. It cansummon storms that cause the sea levels to rise. Status HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed Style 0382 Kyogre Water 0382 Primal Kyogre Water Evolution...
Special Defense Speed > Through Primal Reversion and with nature’s full power, it will take back its true form. It can summon storms that cause the sea levels to rise. Versions: Height14' 09" Weight776.0 lbs GenderUnknown CategorySea Basin ...
Any time trainers Primal Revert their Hoenn Legendary, the Pokémon will stay in that form for eight hours. Using this mechanic more frequently will raise the Pokémon’s Primal Level. With a higher Primal Level, it takes less Primal Energy to Primal Revert. In addition, Primal Reversion suppli...
Once you have enough primal energy, you can turn your legendary monster of choice into its primal form for eight hours, with the cost coming down each time you use the mechanic. It’s worth making the leap though, as with Primal Kyogre as your buddy, catching water, electric, and bug-t...
Sea Basin Pokémon Through Primal Reversion and with nature’s full power, it will take back its true form. It can summon storms that cause the sea levels to rise. - Kyogre - Download Free 3D model by nguyenlouis32
Kyogre (Japanese: カイオーガ Kaiouga) is a Water-type Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It is the Version Mascot of Pokémon Sapphire and Pokémon Alpha Sapphire. It is a Primal Pokémon as well. Along with Groudon and Rayquaza, Kyogre is