宝可梦全分析 1/91 创建者:胖桶 收藏 reg G Kyogre team【Pokemon Scarlet/Violet VGC Battles】 17.1万播放 《宝可梦朱紫》规则G环境分析,神兽强度排名 39.0万播放 《宝可梦朱紫》对战精灵用法分析30 来悲粗茶 24.2万播放 《宝可梦朱紫》规则E环境分析,回归精灵强度排名 39.2万播放 宝可梦朱紫DLC《碧之假面》...
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Pokémon ScarletandViolet The Indigo Disk: Kyogre location and unlock requirements Before you jump straight into the water, Kyogre will not spawn anywhere in the game until after you receive theKyogre Treat. This treat is a special item you can earn from an NPC namedSnacksworth, who you can ...
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Is Shadow Kyogre good in Pokémon Go? Like thestandard Kyogre, Shadow Kyogre is a great choice in the Master League. The difference between the normal Kyogre and the Shadow version is an increase in its attack stat by 20 percent and a decrease in its defense by 20 percent. I wouldn’t ...
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