在极端环境下,从炙热的沙漠到寒冷的高空飞行环境,u8的性能也比u7好。它可以作为天线,终端或飞离配置,它是为Kymeta连接度身定做的。Kymeta正在与各种网络连接提供商合作,包括卫星方面的Intelsat和蜂窝方面的Cubic Telecom,以提供各种卫星和混合卫星蜂窝包。Kymeta的连接服务建立在该公司与Intelsat现有的Kalo连接服务的...
搭载Kymeta u7卫星天线 欧蓝德PHEV将推特别版 在2020年1月份,三菱带来了一款欧蓝德PHEV NERV版车型,该车将亮相东京车展,该车型的最大特点就是搭载了Kymeta u7卫星天线系统,可以随时链接日本准天顶卫星系统。 欧蓝德PHEV NERV版车型共计推出两台,分别服务于东京和札幌两地,两台车都将于2020年2月投入使用。整车在外观...
Kymeta introduces its first commercial product, the Kymeta u7 terminal. This groundbreaking platform enables in-the-field testing and research, laying the groundwork for our next generation of products, the Kymeta u8 series. 2020 Kymeta unveils its next-generation products and services, the u8 and...
Kymeta's first-generation product—the u7—did not offer this much flexibility, according to Marks. "Because our antenna is software-defined and we leverage displays, … it give us the flexibility of using all of the satellites in space, instead of just pointing to one, like traditional ...
在极端环境下,从炙热的沙漠到寒冷的高空飞行环境,u8的性能也比u7好。 它可以作为天线,终端或飞离配置,它是为Kymeta连接度身定做的。 图片来源 | 「 Kymeta 」官网 Kymeta正在与各种网络连接提供商合作,包括卫星方面的Intelsat和蜂窝方面的Cubic Telecom,以提供各种卫星和混合卫星蜂窝包。 Kymeta的连接服务建立在该公...
美国Kymeta天线公司 产品展示>美国Kymeta天线公司> INTRODUCING FLEXIBLE, SCALABLE, 型号:() COPASAT STORM 型号:() KYMETA U7 TERMINALS 型号:(U7)
In 2017, Kymeta introduced the Kymeta™ u7 terminal and this ground-breaking research and production laid the groundwork for the Kymeta u8 terminal and Kymeta™ Connect. These solutions in tandem with the first-of-its-kind Kymeta™ u8 flat-panel satellite antenna, along with Kymeta ...
The heart of the system is a low-power, flat-panel antenna that makes use of a technology known as metamaterials. The technology makes it possible to lock onto satellites electronically, with no moving parts. Kymeta’s u8 system marks a significant step up from the previous u7 antennas, said...