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Background and Aims: Aortic dissection (AD) classically presents with severe chest pain. Rarely it presents as myocardial infarct with ischemic stroke. Methods: We present an unusual case whereby initial diagnosis was missed and subsequently detected by carotid ultrasound (CU). Results: A 72 year-...
洁癖的患者的后遗症是所有的衣服都是消毒水的味道[二哈][二哈][二哈] 洗衣服之前用酒精消毒,上厕所用酒精擦一遍[二哈] 从外面回家洗两边手[苦涩]在外面摸东西一定要找到洗手的地方或者用免洗液擦手[苦涩] 恨不...