Pateikiama informacija apie "SharePoint Foundation 2013" kaupiamojo naujinimo KB3085488, kuris buvo išleistas spalio 13 d., 2015.
Rekomenduojame, kad vartotojo abonemento Windows registravimosi lange arba duomenų bazės prisijungimų langas priskirti "SUPER" vaidmenį ID. Jei vartotojo abonementas negali būti priskirta "SUPER" ID., turi patikrinti...
User will manually update the number Set Off Component Type: Code 10 Lookup to GST Component GST Configuration table Field Description Type Type: Options Option are Vendor, Customer Dispatch / Receiving State Code Type: Code 10 Dropdown from State table Customer / Vendor St...
Field lookup issue in the Phone client. 274138 Horizontal scroll is not possible in iOS. 278377 NAV Service Tier crashes with a null exception in NavSqlConnection.SetKeepAlive. Application hotfixes ID KB Title KB Functional Area Changed Objects ...
ID Title 218167 Incorrect link in the New-NAVCRMTable cmdlet help for the ConnectionString parameter. 265561 If you use the lookup function for the Source No. Filter field on the Purchase Analysis Matrix page, the table relation does not match the Source Ty...
Performance issue during lookup of sales or purchase unit of measure. 380901 Export to a data file throws SqlNullValueException. 380955 Enable Windows client control add-in to run in legacy IE7 mode. 380964 w3wp IIS worker process crash CLR_EXCEPTION_System.N...
"Nepavyko apdoroti lookupTable reikšmę Args egzemplioriuje" klaidos pranešimas, kai peržiūrite duomenis lauką "Sąskaita adresas" projekto sutarties įkūrimo Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012BUG šaltinių #: 37718 (AXSE) \Project Accounting\Setup 2698182 ...