Guided Hunts KY, Deer hunt KY, upland bird hunting, quail hunts, pheasant hunting, chukar, Turkey, Kentucky Deer Hunting Outfitters, Ky trohpy Whitetail Hunts,
Guided Hunts KY, Deer hunt KY, upland bird hunting, quail hunts, pheasant hunting, chukar, Turkey, Kentucky Deer Hunting Outfitters, Ky trohpy Whitetail Hunts,
SEPTEMBER 6, 1979 P-13 are nearly full grown and begin- DEER HUNTING AT ning to pupate making insecti- BALLARD WILDLIFE AREA cidal sprays useless. Fall army worms may cause serious dam- age to alfalfa and other hay and pasture crops within the nextDeer hunting on the BallardWildlife ...
“It’s a gut punch that the Fish and Wildlife Service is seeking to weaken protections for Whooping Cranes and Key Deer, when both species’ homes could be underwater in decades,” said Brett Hartl, government affairs director at the Center. “And it’s appalling that the Fish and Wildlif...