I'm trying to run kws_streaming's 00_check_data.ipynb/01_train.ipynb/02_inference.ipynb. docker image tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-gpu-jupyter is used to run the demo. And the following packages are installed via pip: tf-model-optimization-nightly tf-keras-nightly tfa-nightly scipy pydot ...
25 from kws_streaming.layers import random_stretch_squeeze ---> 26 from kws_streaming.layers import spectrogram_augment 27 from kws_streaming.layers import spectrogram_cutout 28 from kws_streaming.layers import windowing File /export/Intel_ssd/debug_kws/colab/./google-research/kws_streaming/layers/...
KWSnet Broadband: Streaming Media/Internet TV/WebcastKirk W. SmithKwsnet
Tensorflow training scripts for depthwise separable convolutional neural networks for keyword spotting, and C++ code for deployment. - KWS-DS-CNN-for-embedded/auto_test_streaming.py at master · PeterMS123/KWS-DS-CNN-for-embedded
KwsMusic/kws-MUSICPublic forked fromRajpomane/FallenMusic Notifications Fork0 Star1 A Super Fast and Powerful Telegram bot for streaming music on tKwselegram videochats, Powered by PyTgCalls and Pyrogram. License MIT license 1star480forksBranchesTagsActivity ...