The candle-lighting ceremony each evening provides the opportunity to gather and discuss the meaning of Kwanzaa. The first night, the black candle in the center is lit (and the principle of umoja/unity is discussed). One candle is lit each evening and the appropriate principle is discussed. ...
In this title, young readers will learn basic facts about this African American holiday including when it happens and the meaning behind it. Simple, predictable text and colorful photos highlight favorite traditions, while a visual feature and photo glossary reinforce the text. Students just starting...
Community Group Celebrates Kwanzaa In Meaning and WordChinn, Lesley R
The wordKwanzaais derived from Swahili words meaning "first fruits of the harvest," and the holiday includes many elements of traditional African harvest celebrations. The most important symbols of Kwanzaa are: the mishumaa -- seven candles (3 red, 3 green, 1 black), standing for Kwanzaa's ...
Interview: Kwanzaa creator Maulana Karenga discusses the evolution of the holiday and its meaning in 2004TONY COX
Robyn Miller and her husband, Quentin Driskell, concluded several years ago that Christmas - and the commercialism that comes with it - were spiritually and morally bankrupt for them.Salmon, Barrington
a professor of Africana studies atCalifornia State UniversityinLong Beachand an important figure inAfrocentrism. Karenga borrowed the wordkwanza, meaning “first,” from the Swahili phrasematunda ya kwanza, adding the seventh letter, an extraa, to make the word long enough to accommodate one lett...