About Kwantlen Polytechnic University KPU is where transformation takes place, where challenge meets opportunity, and where the impossible becomes possible. Here, we offer over 140 programs across five campuses, giving you the skills you need for the career you want. With co-ops, practicums, and...
About Kwantlen Polytechnic University KPU is where transformation takes place, where challenge meets opportunity, and where the impossible becomes possible. Here, we offer over 140 programs across five campuses, giving you the skills you need for the career you want. With co-ops, practicums, and...
About Kwantlen Polytechnic University KPU is where transformation takes place, where challenge meets opportunity, and where the impossible becomes possible. Here, we offer over 140 programs across five campuses, giving you the skills you need for the career you want. With co-ops, practicums, and...
About Kwantlen Polytechnic University KPU is where transformation takes place, where challenge meets opportunity, and where the impossible becomes possible. Here, we offer over 140 programs across five campuses, giving you the skills you need for the career you want. With co-ops, practicums, and...
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (简称:KPU)昆特兰理工大学是一所能够授予本科学位和各种文凭及证书的综合性本科教育大学。学校的课程设置非常灵活,既可以为学生提供四年的学士学位课程,同时也可以提供两年的副学士学位课程和文凭课程及一年的证书课程。学生可以选择在KPU完成四年的本科课程,或者可在昆特兰开始大学第一年或...
昆特兰理工大学(Kwantlen Polytechnic University,简称KPU)原昆特兰大学学院(Kwantlen University College)是加拿大一所年轻的公立大学,始建于1981年,位于加拿大BC省大温哥华地区。拥有超过16000名全日制在校学生,大学有110多个不同的专业可供学生选择...
昆特仑理工大学(Kwantlen Polytechnic University,简称KPU)是加拿大一所年轻的公立大学,始建于1981年,位于加拿大BC省大温哥华地区。 拥有超过16000名全日制在校学生,大学有140多个不同的专业可供学生选择,有40个可授予学士学位的专业供学生选择,学生...
Kwantlen Polytechnic University (简称:KPU)昆特兰理工大学位于加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚省(BC)大温哥华地区(Metro Vancouver district)是一所综合性本科教育大学。kwantlen一词来自加拿大原住民语言,意为“永不疲倦的跑者”。KPU是不列颠哥伦比亚省最大的教学大学(The largest teaching university in British Columbia), 拥有加...
昆特兰理工大学(Kwantlen Polytechnic University,简称KPU)原昆特兰大学学院(Kwantlen University College)是加拿大一所年轻的公立大学,始建于1981年,位于加拿大BC省大温哥华地区。拥有超过16000名全日制在校学生,大学有120多个不同的专业可供学生选择,有13个可授予学士学位的专业供学生选择,学生还可以通过昆克兰转入其他公立...