Sintering behaviour of copper coated iron powder with 3% copper: H.S. Yang and D.J. Lee (Chonnam National University, Kwang-Ju, Korea), J Korean Inst of Metals, Vol 30, No 1, 1992, 98–103 (in Korean)doi:10.1016/0026-0657(93)90476-9None...
2One young child whowitnessed the brutality asked her parents when their army was coming. Another1Thisis a revised version of a lecture given for the department of sociology at ChonnamNationalUniversity in Kwangju,South Korea onNovember 29, 1999.I wish to acknowledgethe helpful comments of Greg...
Presenter Ki Heon Nam focuses on the polarized political significance of tea and potatoes in the works of philosopher James Joyce. Speaker Giovanna Vincenti outlines the relationship of Joyce to the theater.BrivicTempleShellyTempleEBSCO_AspJames Joyce Quarterly...
Swelling of compacts formed from copper coated iron powders: H.S. Yang et al (Chonnam National University, Kwang-Ju, Korea), J Korean Inst of Metals, Vol 30, No 10, 1992, 1205–1210. (In Korean).doi:10.1016/0026-0657(93)90291-YMetal Powder Report...